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Illusion Digital Mate

Could signallers use size contrast illusions to dishonestly exaggerate their attractiveness to potential mates? Using composite photographs of women from three body mass index (BMI) categories designed to simulate small groups, we show that target women of medium size are judged as thinner when surrounded by larger women than when surrounded by thinner women. However, attractiveness judgements of the same target women were unaffected by this illusory change in BMI, despite small true differences in the BMIs of the target women themselves producing strong effects on attractiveness. Thus, in the context of mate choice decisions, the honesty of female body size as a signal of mate quality appears to have been maintained by the evolution of assessment strategies that are immune to size contrast illusions.

Our results suggest that receiver psychology is more flexible than previously assumed, and that illusions are unlikely to drive the evolution of exploitative neighbour choice in human sexual displays. Previous article in issue. Next article in issue.

Description Presented here is a vast gallery of many different forms of Optical Illusions. Whether these optical illusions are conveyed through fractals, photographs, architecture, art, or old fashioned pen and ink, they are bound to remind you that 'seeing is not believing.' Some of the optical illusions on this blog may cause dizziness or possibly epileptic seizures. The latter happens when the brain can't handle the conflicting information from your two eyes. If you start feeling unwell when using this website, immediately cover one eye with your hand and then leave the page. Do not close your eyes because that can make the attack worse. I don't know how many of you have seen on the Sci-fi channel.

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I have been watching it and they follow a group called (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) that investigates sites to disprove hauntings. Occasionally though they come across evidence that they can't disprove or provide an explanation for.They set up cameras and record audio and video then afterwards they return to their home base where they examine every second of the video and audio to see if anything happened.

They have picked-up voices from people that weren't there and chairs moving on their own.What I am about to link to is not from this group but is of a similar ilk. There is about 60 seconds of video of a well lit room(even more amazing this was during the day). What the cameras picked up may scare you or amaze you. If you listen close and pay attention to the screen I think you may be able to pick up on the sound of what may only be referred to as a ghost and an image that seems to come out of no where.The only thing I don't like about this is that they could have edited it better. Although the sound (while quiet) can be heard early, the image doesn't appear for about 38 seconds.If you still wish, go to and tell me what you think?Is this real proof of live after death? 53comments:Johnnysaid.That scared the shit out of me. Haha I love it.said.HOLY SHIT!

That was awesome!Traceysaid.THAT ALMOST made me shit myself.I was baked too when I did it.had to catch my breath.AMAZING!said.I can't believe people still fall for that thing. Pathetic.Anonymoussaid.Spooky.I nearly crapped myself when i saw it.shivers.Anonymoussaid.i thought my mom was gonna piss herself, then thought i was gonna laughing at her. Thanks for the laughs.:)said.You are welcome, You have to love it when a plan comes together.Anonymoussaid.I had seen it before, but it seems like I didn't quite remember. I had the volume set a little too high- but I survived the heart attack.:pAnonymoussaid.omg that was funny i thought there wold really be something not that i screamed and eveyonefreake dout lolAnonymoussaid.Seen it before - knew what was coming - and I still nearly fell out of my chair! Why do I do this to myself when I'm alone in the office??Anonymoussaid.OMGSH i told my mom to come see and she is kinda blind and deaf so i had to turn it up all the way and she had to get up real close and she fell backwards and screamed I Was laughing at her the whole time and even though i saw it before amillion and one times i still almost diedAnonymoussaid.I saw this with my cousins, and we fell to ground screaming! Then we recovered, LOL!!!holy crapsaid.i DID shit myself god damn it. Fuck you ass holegit r donesaid.me and my friend did this in school and nearly shit ourselves!

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You goddamn mother fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Katysaid.OMG I had my headphones on high!!! Oh shit that scared me.WAAAAAAAHsaid.Umm.eep.said.yo that thing kicks ass! My mum nearly had a heartattack and i couldnt stop screaming!lol.My head is offsaid.FUNNY!!!!!!

I n early laughed my head off. I had a feeling a loud noise would pop up so i didnt have the volume on. If i did have the volume on my brother would want to see it. And I dont want to see him laughing his head off cuz its ANNOYING!!!!! Btw, is the weird noise just a loud scream? I woulddve laughed even harder if noone was in the roomAnonymoussaid.That was so scary!

My hear is now beating twice as fast. I was concentrating really hard on the screen and then it popped up and I felt like I had a heart attack!!Anonymoussaid.I wasn't expecting that.shit, that was scary.nearly had a heart attack! It also didn't help that i was sitting alone in my room with only the lamp on.Anonymoussaid.lol, I've seen these things before so i knew what was going to happen. After 30 seconds still nothing had happened so I leaned foreward and turned my speakers. That is when it came on, scared the heck out of me and jumped back a couple of feet.Zizisaid.ok, you got me. Got me to scream in the library. Awesome though.

BRAVO!Anonymoussaid.I shouldn't have watched this in the school library.It scared the crap out of me! Here I was expecting some kind of little cloud or something and a humming sound.Anonymoussaid.WHOA!!! The first time i watched that i ran out the room screaming and hid in a room! And ever since i watched it, just reading the text makes me wanna SCREAAM!!!said.Thank You. The lead up to this illusion is what I like best.

It is posted all over the web and I haven't seen it couched in a way that you actually believe you might see something from beyond.Anonymoussaid.OMG!!! I dont how im still here writing this comment, even my mom that was in the kitchen got scared, i got nervous. It was great.g-moneysaid.omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dat wassome scary s!@$% right there hvvhgvhvh.netg-moneysaid.omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dat wassome scary s!@$% right there hvvhgvhvh.netAnonymoussaid.Where the hell is the dam video, I really want to see it, seems really interesting.what is it even about u people.where,where,where,is the video a ghost video?

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Hahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!said.To see the video click on the phrase 'this scary illusion' in the next to last sentence.Anonymoussaid.Jesus christ!!!!! I was expecting to see a shadow running across the room, I saw noting so focused more untin my eyes were on the screen and then is was 30 seconds and I seen it, I literally launched my chair back 10 feet. I wasn't expecting this thing:)amy louisesaid.that was really scary. I have seen it a few times now and it still scares the shit out of me lol.

Wont be watching it again because i have clean pants on LOL.said.HAHA!!I SAW THAT BEFORE SO IT WASN'T SCARY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!BUT YOU REALLY SUCK.Anonymoussaid.i just shit myself in my underwear!that was fuckin scary!!Anonymoussaid.That scared the shit of me So i showed it to my uncle and scared the shit out of him ha ha haAnonymoussaid.YOU SUCK ASS!!! THAT REALLY SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!! BUT IT WAS AWESOME. IT DIDN'T HELP THAT I WAS ALONE IN MY ROOM.Anonymoussaid.I believe that you all are a bunch of babies and you need to grow up! That shit was stupid!chelaessaid.ok i dont even get what we're looking at?Anonymoussaid.Seriously, who hasn't seen that thing? People will attempt that same stupid trick every halloween.Anonymoussaid.omg i fuqing love it 1st time me and my brother were watching it both of us screamed and ten laughed are asses of can't wait to show my sisterAnonymoussaid.i cant go to sleep now.but it was awesome.RANDOM:P:P:P:Psaid.dat scared d hell owt ov me so i gt mi grandad 2 look at it n i thought he woz goin 2 av a heart attak i missed a beat, but it woz a rite laf tho lol!!! U @SS I'VE JUST CHECKED MI PANTS N I LEFT SUMFIN BEHIND LOLsaid.DAAAAMMMNNNNNNAnonymoussaid.I like to take my clothes off and watch this video.

It makes me feel funny. Then i like to take my underwear and smell it. Sometimes i scratch my ass and smell it. How many of you do the same as meeeee, weeeeeee, i like peeeeeeeeAnonymoussaid.sssAnonymoussaid.holy crap that scared me to death im sure that i pissed my self then i had my brother watch it ha ha he fell out of his chair ran to his room and covered him self 'with his blankie'Me Me Me xsaid.OMG SCARED TOO DEATH LOLsaid.damn!

Makes my heart beat fast! Taps also great huntersAnonymoussaid.that scared the shit out of me. It doesn't help with you have a heart condition but i'm fine.

I must of screamed really loudly cos my house mate came running to my room. Now i can't stop laughing.Anonymoussaid.this was bull!!!!!Anonymoussaid.i jumped and i skipped a heart beat when i first saw it. The second time i jumped and laughedsaid.I've seen that video before, and thankfully i read the comments before i watched it. Ever since i fell for like 3 video's my brother showed me, i've been sceptical to 'ghost' video's. Well, good try to scare me;)Sincerely Sajwa52 from Norway:)said.LOL, you fucking gimp!

Here I am lying in bed, in the dark, ready to go to sleep @ 3:30 in the morning (devils hour) & I pull this website up b4 bed. Now I'm 2 afraid 2 even get up 2 flick the light switch on. So congrats u dick, but all the same LOL. Copyright Notice The documents distributed here have been presented on this blog in the spirit of providing an entertaining venue to educate those interested in optical illusions.All Flckr.com photos are presented here via Flckr's 'blog this' feature. This feature is enabled by each artist on Flckr. If you find material here that belongs to you and you would like to have it removed or credited please contact me and I will gladly follow your wishes.Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright.

These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.